Archive for the ‘Festivals’ Category

as well as, die München so besonders machen!

The Frühlingsfest auf der Theresienwiese ist die kleine Schwester der Wiesn, muss sich aber überhaupt nicht hinter dem riesigen Münchner Highlight verstecken. Read the rest of this entry »

Summer is coming – and before the Oktoberfest is well known, yet another great spectacle Munich. The Great Summer Wood opened on 26. Its doors in June. In winter, the focus of the Great Wood is on vaudeville and theater acts, in summer it can really rip internationally known artists.
This year celebrates the Great Wood, moreover, its 25-year anniversary. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Olympic mountain in a colorful installation with memories is of 25 Years Tollwood transformed, which changes every day. Light, Sound and moving images create an unforgettable impression.

Almost a month to the Olympic Park music at its best, Crafts and great delicacies are presented. Especially the famous Great Wood is natural for his involvement in the societal and ecological area in the. So every year there are discussions on environmental protection. Read the rest of this entry »

City Foundation Festival Munich, 15 and 16.6.2013
Munich 855 Years old! For this auspicious occasion, the city of course it can not take, host a big party for all residents. On 15. and 16. June, there's some on the Marienplatz, with music, Dance, Ideas and many stalls around Munich Munich are all cordially invited, celebrate the milestone birthday.

The Marienplatz in Munich will be hub, starting from there find the events in the surrounding streets and squares instead. The big stage, to that of 10-23 Clock program is made, mainly offers musical highlights. For every taste should be something. So it goes too cozy and relaxing with trip hop, with big bands and orchestras can be properly mitgeswingt, also in Bavaria beloved folk music is particularly on Sunday does not fall short. Here both traditional ways to play, the modern version of “VolXmusik” shows, that this kind of music is not of yesterday.
We Also of course there are folk dance performances. Read the rest of this entry »

After a snowy winter and a very rainy spring, now we of course hope all Munich on more sunny days. And what better, to enjoy the sun on the traditional spring festival at the Theresienwiese?

The “small variant” the Oktoberfest enjoys unalloyed popularity and attracts every year thousands of people from around Munich to downtown. Large as well as small find the ideal pastime for day.

Performances begin on 19. April um 14:30 with a colorful program of festivities, followed by a procession. In the words “Ozapft is'”, can then also each drink a delicious spring beer, at the same time take the rides on their operation. Read the rest of this entry »

The winter has actually arrived and again in Munich, fits to the Eiszauber opened Stachus on 23. November, damit man sich bei schönem Wetter auf dem Eis vergnügen kann.

To 12. Times already, you can whiz right in the center of Munich on skates to disco beats through the area, the largest mobile ice arena Bavaria bears her name in vain. Along with the Christmas market on the Marienplatz is therefore the perfect place, to spend a nice afternoon.

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After Maidult and Jakobidult lures again now the Kirchweihdult many visitors young and old to the Mariahilfplatz in the Au. About 90.000 Visitors were counted at the Sommerdult, this number is certainly in the fall reached again, if not even surpassed.
The organizers of the Auer Dult place a very high value on family and therefore is something for everyone on offer.

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The Jakobidult lures until 5. August many visitors to the Au. The traditional Dult, once in the spring, will be held once in summer and autumn provides opportunities for all ages and interests. For May Dult were already on 100.000 Visitors to the Mariahilfplatz.

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The Toll Wood is an institution in Munich, Twice a year it attracts thousands of visitors to the Theresienwiese, The tourists usually only know from the Oktoberfest. But the Toll Wood is definitely worth a visit. It serves culinary delights, fine craftsmanship and top-class concerts. While the winter Tollwood rather visited the tents, in summer you can sit outside at last Tollwood, welcoming drink and watch the people strolling. Among this year's theme “A New Look” you can already imagine Some.

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Is the small version of the Oktoberfest is the 20. April to 6. Never 2012 to visit on the Theresienwiese. The spring festival attracts visitors with many attractions, Rides, Delicacy booths and concessions to delight for young and old. Lederhosen and Dirndl also may come in – The costume may be so even dusted off and brought out of the closet, If you do not like a true Bayer also contributes costume for no reason. To 48. Time held the Spring Festival, It is the annual opening of the festival season in Munich.

Especially popular is the large flea market at the 21. April 2012, during the Spring Festival for a whole day at the Oktoberfest takes place and antique fans and bargain hunters out of the houses attracted. Even the one or the other little thing, you've always wanted to sell, Here you can safely get rid of good. All well-received here can be offered. The patronage of the Bavarian Red Cross here has.

Facts about the flea market:

Opening times: 7 to 16 Clock
Venue: Theresienwiese
Special features: The largest flea market in Bavaria, only once a year

On 22. April 2012 held the Oldtimertreffen, by the Automobile Club will be held in Munich, and many vintage car lover-sweetheart thrilled anew every year. From 10 Clock are 1000 historic vehicles expected, then from the 11 Clock of the Bavaria-Corso in a car pulled over the Spring Festival.

Food and drink:

Even if there are not many like tents at Oktoberfest – anyway here is on mood. The Festhalle Bayerland you drink too Augustinian Bavarian specialties, Hippodrome already sprayed a light touch of Oktoberfest atmosphere and the host Sepp served itch Spring Festival Beer. In the garden you can drink Paulaner a cool beer. Anyone in the mood for coffee and cake, is certainly one of the three coffee houses a cake, The value is a sin.


More than a thousand performers will be on-site amusement rides, of adventure and haunted by slide Kettenkarussel to small stalls, everything here is represented, what fun.

Lang lebe Irland! Nach diesem Motto wird auf der St. Patricks Day Parade am 11.3. die Grüne Insel ordentlich gefeiert. Der irische Nationalheilige, der der erste christliche Missionar in Irland war, starb am 17. March. Seitdem werden alljährlich im zur Ehre Paraden gehalten und überall gefeiert. Natürlich in der irischen Nationalfarbe Grün. Das typisch irische Guinness wird grün eingefärbt, manche Städte färben sogar ihre Flüsse.

In München fand die erste St. Patricks Day-Parade 1996 instead of. Mittlerweile hat der St. Patricks Day auch in Münchens Eventplanung einen festen Platz, viele Tausend Fans kommen jedes Mal zum Mitfeiern.

Los geht es mit der Parade an der Münchner Freiheit, marschiert wird zum Odeonsplatz, wo dann mit Open-Air-Bühne und vielfältigem Kulturprogramm kräftig gefeiert wird. Los geht es schon am 10.3. mit einer Vorparty und einem Gottesdienst zu Ehren des Heiligen.

Irische Messe
Saturday, 10.03.2012, 18:00 Clock
St. Michaelskirche, Neuhauser Str. 6, Munich
Paddy’s Night Out
Saturday, 10.03.2012, 20:00 Clock
Schlosszelt , Schwerer Reiter Strasse 15, Munich
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Sunday, 11.03.2012, 12:00 Clock,
Münchner Freiheit zum Odeonsplatz
After Parade Party
Sunday, 11.03.2012, from 13:00 Clock

Zum Fasching mal wieder ordentlich ausgehen und richtig Spaß haben? Kein Problem, bei den vielen Angeboten in der bayerischen Landeshauptstadt kann man sich prima aussuch, wo es heiß hergehen soll.

Besonders toll wird es beim “München narrisch”, denn von Faschingssonntag bis zum Faschingsdienstag wird die komplette Fußgängerzone den Narren gehören. Aus der sonst so hektischen Einkaufsmeile entsteht eine fröhlich-bunte Partyzone mit Musikbühnen am Stachus und auf dem Marienplatz, sowie genügend Verpflegungsständen für viele hungrige und durstige Narren, die von den Markt- und Wirtsleuten Münchens organisiert werden. Begonnen hat dieser Open-Air-Straßenfasching bereits in den 70er Jahren und wurde dann Stück für Stück zu einer richtig großen Party ausgebaut. Mittlerweile wirken 10 Faschingsgesellschaften aus München und Umkreis an der guten Stimmung mit.

Los geht es am Faschingssonntag, a 13:30 Uhr mit Musik und Shows auf den Bühnen, nonstop bis 17 Clock. Die Buden öffnen um 10:30 Uhr und schließen um 18 Clock. Am Rosenmontag wird von 12-17 Uhr Programm gemacht, der Faschingsmarkt läuft von ) 9-19:30 Clock. Zusätzlich wird Rosenmontags in vielen Münchner Gaststätten die Geburt der Weißwurst gefeiert, to 12 Uhr gibt es also das Paar zum Sonderpreis von 1 Euro. Faschingsdienstag gibt es wieder Programm von 12-17 Clock, die Buden sind von 9-19 Uhr in Betrieb.

Am Faschingsmarkt kann sich jeder Besucher mit Essen, Getränken, kleinen Souvenirs und Tabakwaren und natürlich tollen Faschingsartikeln eindecken. Das offizielle Programm läuft auf vier Bühnen, am Stachus-Brunnen, am Richard-Strauss-Brunnen vor dem Statistischen Bundesamt, am Marienplatz und in der Weinstraße. Zusätzlich sind viele weitere Musikgruppen zu Fuß unterwegs und spielen in der Fußgängerzone auf.

Der Eintritt ist natürlich für alle frei.


as well as. Eines der fest installierten Events des Münchner Faschings, bei dem regelmäßig jede Menge Publikum mit guter Stimmung dabei ist, um ausgelassen zu feiern und zu tanzen.

2012 findet sogar ein Jubiläum statt – der traditionelle Tanz jährt sich in der momentanen Ausführung zum 25. Mal. Die eigentlichen Wurzeln der Tradition reichen viel weiter – schon vor über 100 Jahren tanzten die “Marktweiber” vor ihren Ständen. Im Jahre 1987 wurde auf Initiative von Frau Hildgard Karnoll von Karnoll’s Back und Kaffeestand der gemeinsame Tanz zur volkstümlichen Musik eingeführt und hat sich seitdem bewährt.

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The Haidhausener Christmas market on Weißenburger course is considered a secret, Here, set the active citizens of the district to maintain and further develop its market, and it shows also.

In addition to all the usual activities around Christmas there are special treasures, such as hand-carved African figures, fine silk scarves or soap made from sheep milk. The specially brewed for the Christmas market mulled wine Haidhausener “Christmator” tastes great in itself, or together with star Thalern, Gingerbread or stir-fries or potato specialties.
Almost every evening waiting for a band with live music on, also children's entertainment is on offer.

Cribs lovers can admire the beautiful Christmas crib in Ultimo Credits wooden hut, also Holzschnitzspezialitäten from the South Tyrolean Ultimo are offered for sale.

All information about the program and opening times

The official Munich Christmas Market takes place every year from 25.11. to 24.12. instead of. Visitors from near and far just need to follow the lighted star decoration in the streets and how they find their way by themselves.

One innovation 2011 is the extended area, as a result of construction work some aftermarket parts were installed in Neuhauser Straße and on the cattle market. There is also this year an exploration game for the whole family. An 20 different stalls of the Christmas market have individual puzzle pieces are collected, contain interesting and exciting information about the market in general and Christmas. In the sky workshop kids can tinker every afternoon, while parents with peace of mind a stroll round the market.

A daily-changing music program makes the perfect Christmas mood, who themselves feel like singing, can join the Bavarian, singing lessons in the Town Hall Foyer. It is scary, when the dark Krampus figures show up and put visitors in fear.

Opening times:

Mo-Sa: 10-20:30, So: 10-19:30, 24.12: 9-14:00

For more information



At the Christmas market at Sendlinger Tor goods offered from around the world. Amber jewelry, Crystal Goods, Nativity scenes from Tyrol and Peru, handmade ceramic, Traditionsware aus Russland, Christmas balls with Sissi designs Emperor friends, Wood art and much more.

Hot cocoa with whipped cream, Mulled wine or a hearty fresh grilled bratwurst – also the culinary delights to be proud of.

For the kids there is a puppet theater in the event program, the blind musician Munich Schwabing and the trumpeters have also appearances.
The program of the Christmas Market at Sendlinger Tor and more information on the official site:
24. November bis 23. December 2011
day of 10:30-21:00 Clock
Place: Sendlinger-Tor-Platz

On Red Square every year takes place from 25.11 to zm 23.12 the cozy Christmas market is held Neuhauser. Especially, find lovers of crafts, a wide variety of offerings.

Beautifully crafted dolls, hand blown glass art, the traditional wooden pyramids, handmade Christmas ornaments and much more. Anyone still looking for something more unusual Christmas gifts, will certainly find it here. Wait for body and soul Gingerbread, Mulled wine and roasted almonds.

The colorful supporting program of the market and further information can be found at: Christmas market Neuhausen

From 24.11 to 23.12 you can travel back in time to the Middle Ages and in the Wittelsbach court at the hustle and bustle of the minstrels, Traders and entertainers to participate. Already in the writings of 1410 the Munich Nikolausdult mentioned, with huts made from antique wood hand-dressed, the performance of medieval practice of arts such as forging, Pottery or glassblowing this market comes very close to the ideal.

Here stroll noblewomen, Knights and squires around seasonally equip with gifts, also the common people is to be found. The market people sell food and drinks like spiced wine primitive, Feuerzangenbowle or “Thors Hammer”, the suckling pig is rotated, Children are the dwarves- Alberich or drink.

Wait on the weekends musicians and artists for the Adventsspektakel on, every Sunday rides Lady Ettard on horseback on the market, the weekend evenings conclude with a fireworks show.

For more information: Adventsspektakel

The gay and lesbian Christmas market in Glockenbachviertel is popular not only on the gay audience, but is an exceptional event for visitors from all over Munich and the surrounding area. The culinary offer is large, next to artisanal and “Christmas” Gifts can also get hold of here one way or another oddity. The range of products specifically for lesbians and gays can also be seen.

Who has arrived at the pink fir trees and white pagoda tents, begrudge a prosecco and enjoy the atmosphere!

27.11-23.12, Market daily from 12:00 Clock open, from 19:00 Showtime with cabaret and music.
For more information, visit

Dreimal im Jahr findet im Münchner Stadtteil Au die Dult statt. Eine Frühjahrs, Summer- und Herbstdult, die auch Kirchweihdult genannt wird, sorgen für Vergnügen auf dem Mariahilfplatz. Zahlreiche Fahrgeschäfte laden zur gemütlichen oder auch rasanten Fahrt ein, an den vielen und sehr vielfältigen Speisemöglichkeiten findet sicher jeder etwas. Zusätzlich bietet die Kirchweihdult den größten Warenmarkt Münchens. Hier finden Trödelfreunde auf der Antiquitätenmeile alte Schätzchen, am Haushaltswarenmarkt werden jede Menge nützliche Haushaltshilfen und wunderschöne, handgetöpferte Ware angeboten. About 300.000 Besucher jährlich sprechen für einen Besuch der Dult am Mariahilfplatz. Wer dem Oktoberfest mit seinen Superlativen nicht allzuviel abgewinnen kann, dürfte sich hier ebenfalls wohlfühlen.

Ursprünglich war die Dult ein Fest zu Ehren eines Heiligen, bei dem rund um die Kirche Warenstände aufgebaut werden durften.

15.10.-23.10.2011 am Mariahilfplatz in München, Öffnungszeiten Marktstände: 10-19 Clock, Showman 10:30-19 Clock

This move, which will be broadcast worldwide on TV, was first 1835 in honor of the silver wedding of King Ludwig I and his wife Therese.

Presented here are costumes from around the world, Folk dances and customs from the various provinces, characteristics as well as international. Bands provide the musical background of this unique event, the floats of the Munich Oktoberfest hosts are here.

The Münchner Kindl also leads to this train, Special guests were the Mayor of Munich and the Prime Minister.

The 7 km-long train cuts through the following streets:

Maximilianstrasse – Residenzstraße – Louis Street (Loop
South Street Gallery) – Odeonsplatz – Briennerstraße – Amiraplatz –
Kardinal-Faulhaber-Strasse – Promenadeplatz – Lenbachplatz –
Karlsplatz / Stachus – Sun Street – Schwanthalerstraße – Paul Heyse-
Street – Georg-Hirth-Platz – Kaiser-Ludwig-Platz – Schubert Road –
Esperantoplatz (Festwiese).

Sunday, 18.9.2011 from 10 Clock, Takes about. 2 Hours, takes place in any weather.

Tribünenkarten: 35€, Children from 10-16 Years have 50% Reduction

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