Archive for the ‘Olympic Park’ Category

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Olympic Park Munich
Spiridon-Louis-Ring 21
D-80809 Munich

The launched by the American television network X Games are regarded as one of the event highlights in the field of extreme sports. Here are the sizes measure areas Motocross, Skateboard BMX und. For them, there is something, such as the Olympic Games for "normal people". Since 1995 there is already the X Games, this year it will be held for the first time in Munich.
The Olympic Park is of course the appropriate place for such a spectacle and because the competitions are held there as well. This occurs athletes against athletes, it is not about a battle of nation against nation.
In addition to the sports of course, other aspects should not be neglected and there is a varied program of music by-, Show and other events. Here also the Bavarian culture of the host city is not too short.

From Thursday, the 27.6. to Sunday 30.6. it's so hot here in the Olympic Park - Tickets for all events can be found at the usual outlets.

In Munich in the summer there are many great opportunities, to look at movies when the weather outside. The open-air cinema in the Olympic Park is one of them. On the open space before the Olympic swimming center is the beautiful open-air cinema at the Olympic and directly with the public and even private cars easily accessible. Disabled wheelchair accessibility, and it is through their own toilets for the disabled.

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Pünktlich zum neuen Jahr haben wieder alle Laufbegeisterten die Möglichkeit, ihren Winterspeck bei der Winterlaufserie im Olympiapark abzulaufen.

On 8.1.2012 geht es mit der 15 Kilometer-Runde im Olympiapark los, am 19.2.2o12 steht der 10-Kilometer-Faschingslauf und der lange 20-Kilometer Lauf an. Der Faschingslauf ist auf 200 Teilnehmer begrenzt.

Ein zusätzliches Schmankerl für die Läufer: freier Eintritt ins Olympiaschwimmbad und natürlich Getränke und Verpflegung auf der Laufstrecke und nach dem Zieleinlauf. Die Strecke ist exakt vermessen, sodass jeder seine Zwischenzeiten per Chipabnahme ganz genau erfahren kann. Für Umkleiden mit Duschmöglichkeiten ist ebenfalls gesorgt.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung

Nur noch ein paar Karten gibt es für das Prestigeduell zwischen dem EHC München und den Augsburger Panthern in der Olympiahalle. Das Derby soll einen Zuschauerrekord erzielen, dafür hat der EHC München extra eine eigene Fankurve mit rund 1.400 Sitzplätzen in der Olympiahalle eingerichtet. About 6000 Fans kamen im Rahmen der Fanaktion “Volle Hütte” zum Duell gegen die Tölzer Löwen vor drei Jahren, diesmal sollen es doppelt so viele werden, die Aktion hat sich auch namentlich fortentwickelt und heißt jetzt “Volle Halle”.
Alles spricht für ein heißes Duell!

Friday, 30.12.2011, 19:30, Buy tickets

Für alle, die sich bereits auf das Wintersportfestival 2011 gefreut haben:

Dieses Jahr muss es leider aufgrund der warmen Witterung und dem Regenwetter ausfallen. Dies gilt auch für den Audi FIS Ski World Cup, der am Neujahrstag stattfinden sollte.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier


Photo: Supercross Munich

Cross-alarm at the Olympiahalle: at the 17. and 18.12 show here the top riders of the international scene their skills at a fast ride on dusty tracks. It is, The Trophy “King of Munich” and “Prince of Munich” to grab, Florent Richier, the king of Munich 2010 will defend his title in any case skillfully.

For the visitor everything is offered, a high-profile laser show, Freestyle shows and a large sale exhibition. Saturday rises to that the race party.

The tickets are in great demand, However, tickets are still to receive.

Saturday, 17.12 and Sunday, 18.12.2012, Olympiahalle Munich. Buy tickets – More information

With 6 spannenden Matches kommt der 22. Deutschland Cup, eines der wichtigsten Eishockeyturniere für Nationalmannschaften, zum dritten Mal nach München in die Olympiahalle. Vier Nationen präsentieren sich in ihrer ganzen Stärke, jeder muss gegen jeden antreten.

Da Deutschland die letzten beiden Turniere gewonnen hat, können Eishockeyfans auf Einiges hoffen!


Friday, 11.11.2011
16:15 aM Slovakia – USA
20:00 Germany pm – Schweiz
Saturday, 12.11.2011
14:30 Germany pm – Slowakei
18:15 aM Switzerland – USA
Sunday, 13.11.2011
13:15 aM Slovakia – Schweiz
17:15 Uhr USA – Germany

Tickets available at

As the name implies, Women's Run is a running event for women only. Participants can choose: It is the 5km and the 8 km of track to be? There is also the choice between walking and running.

Saturday 10.09.2011, Coubertin place in the Olympic Park

On 16. and 17. July starts at the Olympic stadium, a show-class event. Uniquely motorsport action on the 1,192 km-long stadium course, , fans can now look forward to a very special musical highlight: Mando Diao are rocking with their show on Saturday the Olympic Stadium.

The rock band from Borlänge in Sweden took place with such hits as "Dance with Somebody" and "Gloria" to the top of European charts. These songs are from her most successful album "Give Me Fire", which even reached platinum status. Thus, the five Swedes, their career in the late nineties, started in a garage, definitely one of the top international bands establish.

All visitors to the DTM event in Munich on Saturday evening, come enjoy an unforgettable concert of Mando Diao with racetrack atmosphere.

Those who do not want to miss this event, should still ensure fast Tickets available in advance. Because the race for the ticket 16. July is also the ticket for Mando Diao. And for owners of paddock tickets, there is an advantage, because 3.000 of them are even allowed into the interior of the racetrack, where the stage is.

Tickets at Munich Ticket: from Family Lounge

Tickets start in five different categories 29 Euros in advance. In addition, the one paddock for 20 Euro (in the pre-sale) visit. Das Ticket fürs gesamte Wochenende gibt es ab 75 Euro. Anyone who wants to experience the DTM as a VIP, pays 345 Euro. The family ticket (only in the pre-sale) costs 119 Euro, here where the paddock is included.

And it's only in the Olympic Park: A spectacular outdoor weekend with no mountains, middle of the city! From 19. to 21. August 2011 turns in the Olympic Stadium after the successful premiere last year, for the second time the topic of all outdoor! And this time when there is more SportScheck outdoor festival program: So naturally maintain high ropes courses, Kletterwände, Slacklines, Abseil-Tour, Flying Fox and many more offers hands-on outdoor fans. New is for example the "European Rampage Tour 2011" and a few other attractions. In addition to the sports to try again, there are also a great program and a big market. Sporting highlight of the outdoor festival will again be the showdown of the world's best climbers, the finals of the IFSC World Cup Boulder 2011 at the 19. and 20. August.

IFSC DAV Boulder Worldcup – The final

The best climbers in the world will meet on 19. and 20. August for the big showdown under the tent roof of the Olympic Stadium. The final of the IFSC Boulder World Cup 2011 is not only one of the highlights of the international climbing competition events to be, but also the SportScheck outdoor festivals. The climbers will be on Friday, 19. August, of 10.00 to 19.00 compete pm in the qualification and on Saturday, 20. August, of 11.30 to 14.00 Clock and the semi-finals 18.30 to 21.00 Clock in the final contest.

Bouldering like champions

Certainly after the great World Cup final on Saturday night, , visitors to the outdoor festival on Sunday, 21. August, Boulder routes follow the pros. The training cadre of the DAV Oberland bolted to the original World Cup bouldering wall for everyone / woman / child. Who has something Kletter-/Boulder-Erfahrung, can of 13.00 to 15.00 and 16.00 to 18.00 try, “weltmeisterliche” To touch handles. And who had really good bouldering, for even some of the Final Boulder remain in its original condition at the wall. Climbing shoes are available for testing purposes, or simply by bringing your own equipment!

SportScheck marketplace

Here's everything, Outdoor heart could wish for. Hot companies will exhibit their products. You can try here, Buy or find out just. Also about, where will the next trip to, because it is present various tourist regions, specializing in outdoor activities.

High ropes courses and climbing walls

Only no inhibitions - just try! Standing on the lawn of the Olympic stadium, one of the largest, mobile Hochseilgärten Europe. There can be up to 12 People at the same time climbing over twelve- Balance exercises and test out their limits. The DAV sections of Munich and Upper country also attend a Speed ​​Climbing Tower.

Wave front of Olympic Stadium

The Wave is the trendy Funwheelprodukt par. Whether just translucent sliding on the asphalt or cool tricks and action at the skate park - the trend sport on two wheels thrilled young and old. On the occasion of the outdoor festival presents the company Street Surfing in the truest sense of the word with a real eye-catcher. As part of its "European Rampage Tour 2011," the provider does with his mega-ramp in front of the entrance just north of the Olympic Stadium. The special construction of steel and wood, individuals have the opportunity, you can put on the wave board to demonstrate.

Roof Climb, Abseil-Tour & Flying Fox

Experience the Olympic Park from a new perspective: The spectacular canopy tour runs along the edge of the disk array 40 Feet above the arena along. The view in clear weather to the Alps. Alpine is still the Abseiling, if it 40 Meters in depth is. And the Flying Fox from the roof across the arena to the other side of the Olympic Stadium will be even more adrenalin-free.


Who trendy "hang out" looks and wants to practice the training of balance, is the right place at the Slack Lines. But all is not that simple, because there are concentration, Balance and coordination required. But do not worry, a top team of the BTV shows you how to stay in the "trace".

Outdoor Film Lounge

Lounge in the outdoor movie you will see spectacular pictures of the wide world of outdoor scene. It is always worth it again before the big screen in the Olympic Stadium to halt, where movies are shown throughout the day with great action-packed scenes from grand landscapes.

Demonstrations of the Munich Fire

Here Gibt's spectacular by the rescue professionals - either to watch or to join. Because the fire brigade with exciting promotions at outdoor festival. Visitors (Children aged seven years) example, a rope secured to the 30 Meters long and 70 Steep grade Drehleiter hinaufsteigen. And the "Running Vertical Rope" is about the same 50 Feet in the air. For more thrills, the demonstration also provides a high-altitude rescue.

Children- and youth program of the City of Munich

Children and teens beware, here's your turn! The Sports Department of the City of Munich offers you three great holidays with cool outdoor adventure world, an Outdoor Fun Triathlon (Archery, High Ropes, MTB Parcour) as well as fun and games for toddlers. In addition to try local: Parcouring, Kletterberg, Boulderwürfel, Site movement and much more.

Trentino: Destination for sports fans

Trentino invites the outdoor festival for your next active holiday: Trentino stands for treks through a spectacular mountain bike or legs through breathtaking Alpine valleys – experience one way or the other!

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