Archive for the ‘Deutsches Theater’ Category

The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling, the fantastic story about the boy Mowgli, who grows up in the jungle, was filmed and widely implemented acting. Most well known is probably the most successful adaptation of Disney.
At Christmas time, the German Theatre and the State Theatre will present the Gärtnerplatz together a wonderful implementation of the story as a musical for the whole family. Read the rest of this entry »

The Beatles are still one of the unsurpassed legendary bands in the world of modern music. A grand revival of many of their finds in the musical world hits “All You Need is Love” instead of. Producer Bernhard Kurz has the story of the rise, The time success and the demise of the band perfectly staged, four doubles are faithful to the Beatles not only in appearance but also in the musical talent confusingly similar. The four artists have long been the Revival Band “Tiwst&Shout” successfully, with this musical, they prove, that they deserve this success certainly.

The musical begins with the first performances of the band, Sgt leads a great success with the hit album. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club, and eventually the group disbanded in the year 1970. A moderator conducts the musical, the texts are in German, Of course the songs in the original.

Vom ends 12.4-15.4.2012 at the Deutsches Theater in Fröttmaning

The most successful Kung Fu show on earth, finally in Munich. Here are the masters and their best students from the Chinese province of Henan, the famous Shaolin Kung-Fu present in perfection.
It's a quick round- and forth between meditative stillness and thrilling action scenes. Performs traditional fighting techniques are presented, singly or in groups, Qi Gong meditation, and also the unique weapon of the Shaolin monks. The four-meter whip king shepherds once used to chase wild animals, The crescent blade is a long stick, the end of which resembles a crescent moon.
The Shaolin Kung Fu was not originally designed to fight, but as an aid to meditation and physical exercises for the monks. You should be able to control the perfection of her body and her mind better.
Even the motto of Kung Fu is still: “The highest level of combat, it is, not to fight”.
Tuesday, 13.3.2012, 18 Clock at the Deutsches Theater in Fröttmaning.

For a limited time in Munich, the hit musical “Elizabeth” by Michael Kunze and Sylvester Levay.

The musical is the famous story of Empress Elisabeth, also known as Sissi, give. It tells about her life as the daughter of the unorthodox Max of Bavaria, about her engagement to actually unplanned Franz Joseph of Austria and crowned Empress to her with ever more constricting court life and the constant quarrels of their mother.

Since its premiere in Vienna 1992 inspired the dramatic story of 8 Million viewers. Already 2009 was the musical with the actress Anne Mieke van Dam as a guest in Munich.

21.12.2011 bis 15.1.2o12, Deutsches Theater in Fröttmaning, Maps and information

Who knows the Christmas story “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens about the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge is not?

Ebenezer Scrooge has a heart hard as stone and no compassion for the poor in the city. But one night he is visited by three ghosts – the past, the present and the future. These show him visions, the heart be changed overnight.

Intricately edited as a musical version of this since the first performance 2001 thrilled to now in many cities. With the potential to touch the hearts of all people, Whether large or small, rich or poor- the spell of this history can not escape.

10-18.12.2011, Deutsches Theater Fröttmaning Buy tickets

The Budapest Operetta- Musical theater and interprets the Disney classic, commission which was awarded several Oscars. Elaborate costumes, beautiful music with lyrics in German and a fantastic show, The director here has one in his own words “Notion of miracles” want to create, This is truly succeeded him.

The story tells of the beautiful Belle, the boredom of life in the village, want to see more of the world, and her father in an enchanted castle follows. There they meet the Beast, the prince is actually a, the poor because of its properties has been transformed by a witch. It is a romance develops between the two, But the hunters in the village prepare for the hunt already.

22.10.2011-19.11.2011, Deutsches Theater, Tickets available at

Get a love on the professional boundaries is difficult to maintain. Prince Edwin desperately wants to marry the singer Sylva, but his parents have decided to do something about it. Sylva is upset and seeks solace with bonuses, Edwin's Friend.

Sylva is a successful Varescu chansonniere in Budapest and has a lot of admirers. One of them is the Vienna Chamber of Edwin's son, Prince Lippert-Weylersheim, has decided against the wishes of his parents to, To marry Sylva. The prince and his wife know this, however, prevent and even publish advertisements of Edwin's engagement with his cousin, the Countess Stasi.

Sylva is offended and feels lied to by the ignorant Edwin. With Edwin's friend Boni as a comforter for her tour, she travels to America. At the engagement party of Edwin and Stasi, the former lovers to see the first time again and again to the feelings of flame. But Sylva has arrived as the wife of bonuses and Stasi is jealous.

“The Gypsy Princess” is considered the most successful opera by Hungarian composer Emmerich Kálmán and was 1916 premiered in Vienna. The Salzburg Operetta Theatre returns with a new staging of the play to the German Theatre. Director Lucia Meschwitz has joined Hungarian and Viennese charm fits fire and hit the special humor of the opera beautifully.

The Gypsy Princess at the Deutsches Theater

06.09. 2011 to 10.09.2011 and on 13. and 14.09.2011 each 19:30 Clock, as well as 10.09.2011 a 15:00 Clock

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