Archive for the ‘Arts / Entertainment / Concert’ Category

The night of the environment in Munich offers a unique opportunity, To gain insight into many different places. The zoo opens its doors exclusively for night tours, the Munich underground can be visited, yes even shows a crematorium, The procedure is as there.

Not only exciting, there will be, also many informative guided tours and lectures are offered. Show the BMW plants, as sustainably produced and utilized, many posts about solar technology point the way to a better and greener future. The best thing about the whole thing: Many of the events are offered free of charge, a few require registration or require a small fee.
Certainly a very interesting thing, is taken as particularly, find that both adults and children a wide range of events. We provide our favorites before: Read the rest of this entry »

Actually Munich has everything, so what you want from a city – greenery in the city, closeness to nature, the mountains…but a beautiful beach, as found for example in Hamburg or Berlin, One looks a little longer.
The better, that there is a beach culture Munich! Hier finden Sand Zealot everyone, what they want, directly on the Isar with musical framework program – perfect, at times really unbend in summer. And anyone who thinks it long enough, can even hear the sound of the sea… Read the rest of this entry »

The BMW Welt Jazz Award goes to the next round!

An 6 Sundays will be held preliminary, a jury then determines from 2 Bands, the most in the finals 20.4.2013 against each other to participate in the competition for the coveted award.
This year is the motto “Leading Drums”, all participating bands have is a excellent drummer, of the titles gives the right drive. Read the rest of this entry »

Here we go again – The Munich Crime Festival “Criminal”, incidentally, the largest Crime Festival mentioned in Germany and one of the largest international standards, starts on 9. March.

To 10 anniversary of the iconic events are expecting guests from around the world, many well-known mystery authors have the honor of presenting their works in readings and other exciting events. Read the rest of this entry »

The variety theater shows are unique. Here unite music, Body Art and most recently, to a fantastic light show, be addressed in all senses of the audience.

At the world premiere of this fabulous show unite known and award-winning artists display their different art forms together into a great variety performance. Jenny Garcia's two-time German champion in rhythmic gymnastics and it's a breathtaking singing – in vaudeville, she presents songs from their debut album “Lifebathing” not quite normal on stage, but the free-hanging air ring. She works with Santé Fortunato, a hula hoop artist. Ernest Palchyow has been one of the best of his profession – the acrobatics, also known as handstand acrobatics. The artists of the younger group “Crazy Flight juniors” acrobatics show in its finest form, Tom Noddy shows his bubble art, that this is just a fun pastime for children not.

For Lachmuskel activity provides Mr. Riesling, of all forms of acrobatics seems to dominate, and with his talent should komädiantischen everyone laugh.

The show runs in Munich until 6. January 2013. Prices and information are available on


It's that time again: Die Night of the Proms kommt nach München!
This time, of course with a lot of superstars, who will perform together with a symphony of their greatest hits.

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When alpine rock folk music elements are combined with those of rock music. Rhythm and instruments are of Bavarian folk music inspired, Spices up the whole rock still to tidy. The Alpine Rock got with Hubert von Goisern a new face. Before the masses relatively unknown and rather than “Folk music” wasted, showed Hubert von Goisern 2012 with “Brenna tuats guad”, how much these “Folk music” the German and Austrian broad audience arrives.

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Grönemeyer you can not “dislike”, like you have it easy! Auch wenn sich an seiner Musik die Geister scheiden: Fact is: Herbert Grönemeyer is a German musician of the most amazing, His fan base is huge. Reason for this is also his unique relationship with his fans and the audience for live concerts.

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This year it is between the Maximilians- Ludwig and colorful bridge again! The Isar Island Festival attracts visitors with fun, Action, Music, Culture and of course lots of summer feeling in Munich Lieblingsfluß. This program is offered on several stages.
Since the Isar Bridge Festival to 850 Munich's annual celebration has become firmly established as the hard Isar Island Festival. Also earlier served as a promenade along the Isar, This is to be revived with the Isar Island Festival. Similar to the Danube Bridge Festival in Vienna to Munich and Munich a free fun- and may enjoy cultural program. For all ages and interests will be program offered. It emphasized the organizers, that the Isar Island Festival is purely a non-profit and for-profit orientation has no.

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The classic square is at the Odeon in Munich every year anticipated event. On fine summer evenings can be enjoyed on the Odeonsplatz a wonderful open-air classical music. Since 12 Years, the classic event will be held for two days at the Odeon Square, attracting not only brought classical music lovers. Up to visitors counted annually, Rising.

The premiere event of the year 2000, time at a concert meant the Franco-German reconciliation. The fact that the concert would develop such a hit with the public, At that time probably thought no one yet.

This year will, among other things Gabetta, Kristine Opolais and Erwin Schrott in.

7.7.2012: on the first day the Munich Philharmonics to listen with their Slovak director Juraj Valcuha with the cello soloist Sol Gabetta. They will play famous pieces from the Slavic-Russian classics, have achieved world notoriety. Smetana's overture to “The Bartered Bride”, Dvorak Concerto for Cello and Orchestra and Mussorgsky “Pictures at an Exhibition” invite you on a musical journey to Eastern Europe.

8.7.2012: Here, the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra played under the baton of Andris Nelsons. The soloists are this time of world-renowned bass-baritone Erwin Schrott and the Latvian soprano Kristine Opolais loaded. Under the motto of the “Italian night” it revels in marvelous duets full of vocal excellence. Among other works are interpreted by Puccini, Verdi, Respighi and Mascagni.

When? 7. and 8.7.2012
Where? Odeonsplatz, Open Air
Tickets are available at München Ticket and all usual outlets

The ball season continues – the “Schwabing Film Ball”, in the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Bayerischer Hof is celebrated, is a hip event in Munich. The Schwabing films Ball hosted by Partytaenzer with the Moosacher Carnival Club and Business Club Munich Diamonds. There, Where else can just hover over the floor when celebrities Filmball everyone and wife as Princess and Prince turn his rounds. Since both the location and the motto radiate pure elegance, it is logical, that the dress code is to adapt this. For women this is finally a wonderful opportunity in gorgeous evening dress to appear, a little black dress is possible. Men should wear a tuxedo at least.

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Tyga is a relatively fresh artists from the U.S., However, even with prominent relatives. Sein Cousin ist Travie McCoy von den Gym Class Heroes. Tyga is itself a member of the Young Money crew and go for a short time with their own debut album. His stage name stands for “Thank You God Always”, an indication, that as a devout Christian certainly would like to thank a higher power for his success.

2008 already released his debut album “No Introduction”, was one of the songs as the title of the video game “Undercover Neew for Speed” used. Together with Chris Brown, he played “Fan of a Fan” a, with the hit “Deuces” He was also nominated for a Grammy ever.

Prominent features helped him on his second album “Careless World: Rise of the Last King”. Here he was rapping with superstars like Nicki Minaj, Busta Rhymes und Pharrell. “Rack City” has been his most successful single, they took place on Tyga 8 the American Billboard Charts.

For the first time he goes on a world tour and is also at the Tonhalle in Munich to see.

Thursday, 3.5.2012, 20:00 at the Tonhalle in Munich.

Tickets available at München Ticket.

The Beatles are still one of the unsurpassed legendary bands in the world of modern music. A grand revival of many of their finds in the musical world hits “All You Need is Love” instead of. Producer Bernhard Kurz has the story of the rise, The time success and the demise of the band perfectly staged, four doubles are faithful to the Beatles not only in appearance but also in the musical talent confusingly similar. The four artists have long been the Revival Band “Tiwst&Shout” successfully, with this musical, they prove, that they deserve this success certainly.

The musical begins with the first performances of the band, Sgt leads a great success with the hit album. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club, and eventually the group disbanded in the year 1970. A moderator conducts the musical, the texts are in German, Of course the songs in the original.

Vom ends 12.4-15.4.2012 at the Deutsches Theater in Fröttmaning

David Garrett is known worldwide for his crossover from classical, Rock and Pop. His interpretations of the classic world hits inspire millions of people around the world. The professional violinists was trained very early by his parents, moved with 18 Years to escape from Germany to New York for the control of parents. Well possible, that in the course of this rebellion of a child prodigy of classical music until the world-famous violinist was. 2012 He goes back with a new Programmm, The Rock Anthems, auf Tour. The Rock Symphonies, one of his last programs, were held with a symphony orchestra, the rock anthems are performed consistently with a large band.

David Garrett is 2 Time to come to Munich, at the 14.4.2012 and at 21.11.2012, respectively in the Olympic Hall, Start time 20:00

Roger Cicero persuaded his new album “At this moment,”. The songs reflect his original jazzy-funky style, but are nevertheless an evolution for the last album. With well thought out and truthful lyrics and catchy music creates Cicero, that his fans really listen to him and abuse his songs not only as background music. Already the sales of his older albums speak volumes, Roger Cicero is an essential part of the German music scene.

He easily fills large halls and Germany as a real musician celebrated. He is always proud, that he did not “quick fame” gained, but fought his way up through hard work and good music in the tough music business. This success, we treat it by heart and look forward to his tour stop in Munich.

Tuesday, 27.3.2012, Beginning 20:00, at the Philharmonic in Gasteig.

The most successful Kung Fu show on earth, finally in Munich. Here are the masters and their best students from the Chinese province of Henan, the famous Shaolin Kung-Fu present in perfection.
It's a quick round- and forth between meditative stillness and thrilling action scenes. Performs traditional fighting techniques are presented, singly or in groups, Qi Gong meditation, and also the unique weapon of the Shaolin monks. The four-meter whip king shepherds once used to chase wild animals, The crescent blade is a long stick, the end of which resembles a crescent moon.
The Shaolin Kung Fu was not originally designed to fight, but as an aid to meditation and physical exercises for the monks. You should be able to control the perfection of her body and her mind better.
Even the motto of Kung Fu is still: “The highest level of combat, it is, not to fight”.
Tuesday, 13.3.2012, 18 Clock at the Deutsches Theater in Fröttmaning.

Lang lebe Irland! Nach diesem Motto wird auf der St. Patricks Day Parade am 11.3. die Grüne Insel ordentlich gefeiert. Der irische Nationalheilige, der der erste christliche Missionar in Irland war, starb am 17. March. Seitdem werden alljährlich im zur Ehre Paraden gehalten und überall gefeiert. Natürlich in der irischen Nationalfarbe Grün. Das typisch irische Guinness wird grün eingefärbt, manche Städte färben sogar ihre Flüsse.

In München fand die erste St. Patricks Day-Parade 1996 instead of. Mittlerweile hat der St. Patricks Day auch in Münchens Eventplanung einen festen Platz, viele Tausend Fans kommen jedes Mal zum Mitfeiern.

Los geht es mit der Parade an der Münchner Freiheit, marschiert wird zum Odeonsplatz, wo dann mit Open-Air-Bühne und vielfältigem Kulturprogramm kräftig gefeiert wird. Los geht es schon am 10.3. mit einer Vorparty und einem Gottesdienst zu Ehren des Heiligen.

Irische Messe
Saturday, 10.03.2012, 18:00 Clock
St. Michaelskirche, Neuhauser Str. 6, Munich
Paddy’s Night Out
Saturday, 10.03.2012, 20:00 Clock
Schlosszelt , Schwerer Reiter Strasse 15, Munich
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Sunday, 11.03.2012, 12:00 Clock,
Münchner Freiheit zum Odeonsplatz
After Parade Party
Sunday, 11.03.2012, from 13:00 Clock

Ein weiteres Jubiläum in 2012, das renommierte Krimi-Festival feiert sein 10-Jähriges Bestehen. Nationale und internationale Stars der Krimiszene treffen sich Jahr für Jahr in der Metropole an der Isar, um an den spannendsten und gruseligsten Orten Lesungen zu halten. Verbrechen sind hier also an der Tagesordnung, es werden Krimis von allen bekannten Autoren der Szene gelesen!

Im Jahre 2003 ging alles los, seitdem lesen jährlich circa 100 Krimiautoren vor insgesamt 10.000 Besuchern über Verfolgungsjagden, Entführungen und Geiseldramen. Anlässlich des Jubiläums darf sich das Publikum auf extra eingeladene Autorengrößen wie Tess Gerritsen, Val McDermid oder Jörg Maurer freuen.

Gelesen wird zum Teil an ganz besonderen Orten, so wie im Sektionshörsaal des Institutes für Rechtsmedizin, dem Pathologischen Institut oder im Polizeipräsidium. Sogar eine “Knastlesung” wird angeboten. Thematisch gliedert sich die Veranstaltung in Krimi-Nächte mit gleichem Thema, wie zum Beispiel “Sherlock Holmes”, “Mafia”, or “Schwedische Kriminacht. Hier wird teils aus mehrere Krimis gelesen. Zum Anderen finden die Lesungen der einzelnen Autoren aus ihren Werken statt.

Tickets sollte man sich hier schnell sichern – besonders die gruseligen Orte oder Weltautoren sind sehr schnell ausverkauft. Die wichtigsten Informationen zum Programm gibt es auf

12.-31.3.2012, Lesungen an diversen Orten.

Farben beeinflussen unsere Stimmungen und Launen, machen unser Leben dunkel, bunt oder hell. Bestimmte Farben werden von jeher gewissen Stimmungen und Gefühlen zugeordnet. Passend zum Frühlingsbeginn ist Hellgrün die Farbe der Hoffnung, des Glückes und der Harmonie. Junge hellgrüne Pflanzen und Blätter sprießen mit der jährlichen Erneuerung der Natur im Frühling und stimmen auch die Menschen nach einem langen und tristen Winter positiver und gelassener. Viele erhoffen sich mit dem Ergrünen der Natur eine Veränderung auch in ihrem Leben. in der medizinischen Farbtherapie wird Grün als eine ruhige Farbe angesehen, die den Menschen Kräfte sammeln lässt, den Rhytmus von den Organen Herz und Niere einstimmt.

Bei der “Wir sehen Farben”-Party mit dem Motto Hellgrün soll natürlich auch der Frühlingsbeginn gefeiert werden, Light, Farb- und Videoinstallationen werden den Club in ein wunderschön grünes Licht tauchen. Read the rest of this entry »

Thriller Live – The world-famous original show from London is finally in Munich as a guest. For all fans of the King of Pop's unforgettable.

The show began even before the death of the superstar, 2006 in the West End. Since then, it delights people of all nations, more than 1000 Ideas have been played. Michael Jackson even saw the live performance of the artist at the World Music Awards in London and was thrilled. This praise of course pushed the creativity of the performers, It was working so hard, like never before.
About 40 Years of Jackson's career in the show are processed music and dance, also the original choreographer of Jackson hits “Dangerous”, LaVelle Smith Jr., assisted in the preparation of the dance show. So there's Michael Jackson Dance original style to perfection.
The Munich newspaper finds, that this tribute to Michael Jackson surpasses anything, a “much better memory of the entertainer as all imitators in the world” ever could have.
Dates from 28.2.2012 at the Deutsches Theater in Fröttmaning. Tickets are available at
March 2025
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