Archive for the ‘Circus Krone’ Category

The Circus Krone performs in Munich. World famous and popular he is from 1 March, the third part of the winter program before. The motto “Krone is'” forebodes, that it will pass this time pretty Bavarian. Read the rest of this entry »

When alpine rock folk music elements are combined with those of rock music. Rhythm and instruments are of Bavarian folk music inspired, Spices up the whole rock still to tidy. The Alpine Rock got with Hubert von Goisern a new face. Before the masses relatively unknown and rather than “Folk music” wasted, showed Hubert von Goisern 2012 with “Brenna tuats guad”, how much these “Folk music” the German and Austrian broad audience arrives.

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Grönemeyer you can not “dislike”, like you have it easy! Auch wenn sich an seiner Musik die Geister scheiden: Fact is: Herbert Grönemeyer is a German musician of the most amazing, His fan base is huge. Reason for this is also his unique relationship with his fans and the audience for live concerts.

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2009 it was the last time in Munich. A very long time, find many fans of the pop star. So Pink is surprising for a concert in the Circus Krone in Munich. In the airplay charts is her current hit “Blow Me” already high, it has there to 13. Time it to the top. The new album “The Truth About Love” appears on 14.9.2012, the very day, where it is in the Circus Krone present a live album launch.

For fans a unique opportunity, for who knows, when is the next time you grace us with their appearance? Who gets no more cards, can try it here: Beim iTunes Festival in London am 13.9.2012 it is also shown with a live performance.

Tickets are limited and can directly at the Circus Krone Building or via the ticket hotline from Munich ticket by phone 089 / 54818181 be purchased. To prevent black market sales, tickets are only personalized and are per person only 2 Units sold. The ticket costs € 50 plus fees.



Zum Jahreswechsel öffnet der Circus Krone in München seine Pforten. Drei Monate lang ist Vorstellungszeit, jeden Monat gibt es ein anderes Programm. Die erste Programmrunde startet am 25.12. , die beiden anderen jeweils am 1.2.2012 and at 1.3.2012.

Im ersten Programm “Grand Prix der Manege” zeigt vielseitige Facetten der Zirkuskunst mit Tieren, hier wird Akrobatik gepaart mit Clownseinlagen und Tierkunststücken. In jeder Vorstellung hat außerdem ein Zuschauer die Möglichkeit, mit den Elefanten gemeinsam aufzutreten. Messerwerfer zeigen ihr Talent mit scharfen Waffen aus vielen Ländern der Welt, eine quietschfidele Wildsau zeigt Kunststücke um an Futter zu gelangen, wunderschöne Araberpferde galoppieren durch die Manege, die Geschwister Weisheit zeigen atemberaubende Kunststücke auf dem Hochseil und natürlich fehlen auch Clowns und Komiker nicht.

Begleitet wird das Zirkusvergnügen vom großen Krone-Orchester.

Die Programmvorschauen für die anderen beiden Monate gibt es jeweils kurz vorher auf der offiziellen Seite zu sehen. Eine detaillierte Vorschau für das aktuelle Programm ist dort ebenfalls zu finden.

Zusätzlich zum Zirkusprogramm können interessierte Zuschauer auch den Zirkuszoo besuchen oder hinter die Zirkuskulissen blicken.

1. Programm: 25.12.2011-31.1.2012

2. Programm: 1.2.2012-29.2.2012

3. Programm: 1.3.2012-15.4.2012

Zirkus-Krone-Straße 1, 80335 Munich

Dieter Noor skillfully balanced between comedy and cabaret, Not only does the laughter because of jokes at others' expense, but takes a critical and comic deals with the life. That will probably be, which brings him such great popularity. Since 1994 He has become an integral part of the German entertainment scene and has since been with the German Cabaret Award and twice in a row 2009 and 2010 with the German Comedy Award for best comedian of the years. Equally interesting: He received 2008 IQ-Award of the German Association of Mensa highly intelligent. With its new program, "Noor among us," he comes on two dates in Munich, This opportunity should not be missed.

Friday, 7.10.2011 and Saturday, 8.10.2011, each 20:00 Clock in the Circus Krone.

March 2025
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