Archive for the ‘Cabaret’ Category

as well as 150.000 as well as. as well as “Dolce Vita” versinnbildlicht das italienische Lebensgefühl. Serviert wird ein 4-Gänge-Menü, wahlweise auch vegetarisch. Zwischen den einzelnen Gängen unterhalten diverse Entertainer das Publikum mit Akrobatik, Kabarett oder Artistik. Italienische Klassiker gibt es dazu vom Teatro Ensemble “teatro singing dancing waiters”.

Eine opulente Show, die im Jugendstil-Ambiente des Spiegelpalastes an der Neuen Messe umso intensiver genossen werden kann.
Termine bis zum 31.3.2012. Weitere Informationen unter

Ein Krimi-Dinner von besonderem Gouteur: beim drei-Gänge-Menü wird die Krimikomödie in 4 Akten gespielt, Interaktionen der Zuschauer inklusive.

Wie durch einen Zufall treffen sich zwei Personen in einem Restaurant. Sie wurde vom Ehemann erst betrogen und dann sitzengelassen, er gerade vom Chef gefeuert. Beide erkennen, dass sie sich in haargenau der gleichen Situation befinden. Ihre Lösung für das Dilemma: Mord.

Ein spannender Krimi mit psychologischen Wendungen und einem (fast) perfekten Mord.

Monday, 19.12.2011, 19:30 in Aumeister More info

Ottfried Fischer in Munich Stammtisch is a secret – The live broadcast of the Bavarian television with the Star of “Der Bulle von Tölz” is often long pre booked. “Took” welcomes guests, have the name and rank, just once again stimulate a new project, or else just talk nice guests.

Often the artists invited to give even the best tasting, often scrambled colorful, a rarity in TV and live unique view and listen.

16.12.2011, 20:00, Slaughterhouse-hall More information and tickets

Rückspiegel 2011 – so nennt der niederbayrische Comedian türkischer Herkunft seinen Jahresrückblick über das vergangene 2011. Dabei braust er quer durch die politische Landschaft Deutschlands und macht dabei vor roten Ampeln nicht halt.

Friday, 23.12.2011, 20:30 Clock, Lustspielhaus Munich. Buy tickets

Saturday, 31.12.2011, 14:00 Clock, Lustspielhaus Munich. Buy tickets

Gina Mang, eine Frau in den mittleren Jahren und mit einem Lebenskonzept hat eigentlich alles, nur keinen Mann. Den sucht sie schon seit Jahren und wird dabei immer verzweifelter, weil nichts zu funktionieren scheint und anscheinend niemand zu ihr passt. Deshalb sucht sie Hilfe bei der erfahrenen Psychologin Frau Möschenbach. Diese schafft es tatsächlich, Gina mit sämtlichen Traumbildern von vorgestellten Supermännern zu konfrontieren und diese zu demontieren. Schließlich steht Gina bar sämtlicher Illusionen da und fragt sich, wozu sie denn nun überhaupt noch einen Mann braucht?

Darauf weiß Frau Möschenbach natürlich ebenfalls eine Antwort…

This is not just for single women but everyone should watch this witty treatise on Dating today. Hier werden sämtliche Klischees durch den Kakao gezogen und die Sicht auf die Realität wieder gelassener.

Fr. 14.10.2011 und Sa. 15.10.2011 I 20:00 im Galli Theater in der Dachauer Straße

Tickets available at

One of the most successful shows on Broadway again in October in Munich!

Men are hunters, Women are gatherers. For this simple sentence can be derived from thousands of truths about the everyday madness relationship. In der One-Man-Show, played alternately by various artists, these truths to be set in such a scene in, that probably everyone can somehow find it. Guaranteed laughs, as well as amusing insights into the mindset of the opposite sex. An absolute must for couples.

Dates from 26.10.2011, Tickets are available at to buy.

Finally, Sissi Perlinger road again - after four years of creative break with the traveling, Were meditating and self-discovery after a burn-out completed, she is finally back on stage, to us with their new program "Treat yourself ne time off" to convince, that you do not always participate in everything and has a "no" sometimes is very necessary. The Munich else was traveling with her program "single time", in which they processed the separation from her boyfriend, Now it is all about, that it has detected, how broken they made the strenuous life as an entertainer and went in search of their fortune. They accompany the Lilienfee, Dame Meditation Mahatma Gabi and her dog, of course, Felix. Once again a successful program, sings in the Sissi Perlinger, dancing and ironic skillfully told. An evening laugh, but also stimulates the reflection.

In and around Munich, it is en route from September.
Tickets and dates from September to

Dieter Noor skillfully balanced between comedy and cabaret, Not only does the laughter because of jokes at others' expense, but takes a critical and comic deals with the life. That will probably be, which brings him such great popularity. Since 1994 He has become an integral part of the German entertainment scene and has since been with the German Cabaret Award and twice in a row 2009 and 2010 with the German Comedy Award for best comedian of the years. Equally interesting: He received 2008 IQ-Award of the German Association of Mensa highly intelligent. With its new program, "Noor among us," he comes on two dates in Munich, This opportunity should not be missed.

Friday, 7.10.2011 and Saturday, 8.10.2011, each 20:00 Clock in the Circus Krone.

The master of style, replaced with their provocative stage show, the therapy session on the couch. This cabaret partnership sees with different eyes and laughs about problems. It can be seen: Everyone is stunned by the opposite sex.

Men are not like women. The disappointment can be a wonderful start for the destruction of any partnership. However, marriages and partnerships are mostly piecemeal and more or less unconsciously broken. Therefore, there is a need for targeted instruction, because it is easily, the relationship partner to scare relish, if you only know the right tools. Only when one is the production going on Monday, with which one spends days and nights, you have the chance, to find their dream prince or princess dreams.

And if you want to be / the dream partner / not to go? Then you know after the show, what you should better refrain in the future. Ms Dr. Höfner relationship helps cabaret, to see the partnership with different eyes, to laugh again about the problems of partnership and relax.

Dr. E. Noni Höfner is known for her books, Seminars and television appearances. She makes more than 30 Years of couples therapy and is one of the most prominent representatives of the provocative style.

Monday 05.09.2011, 20:00 Clock

Unfortunately, we could not yet received any further information. Sunday 04.09.2011, 20:00 Clock

He is back on tour: but this time it goes into virtual worlds. Facebook and Google to help him with the self-discovery. As well, that even in Lower Bavaria is internet connection!

Slaughterhouse – Hall, Friday 02.09.2011, 20:30 Clock

The chain saw as an effective conflict resolution tool, love tropical fruits or digital terrorists in public service, These are just some issues on which Tobias Mann in his new program comes to speak. Laughter guaranteed!

Tobias's humor therapy bears fruit in its new program “Back by the wind and again”. In his cabaret program moves the secret weapon of the WDR humor often on thin ice threatens and sometimes even in the depths of comedy to break the world. His razor-sharp mind, however, saved him from worse, not least against, to end as a comedy funeral. Crazy, Out of Control and hyperactive, Tobias Mann attributes the well should be one's own. Because of the hurricane sweeps across the stage and pours a point about the fireworks spectators, that this must be gasping for air. His word play is unique and rapidly, so also in the audience separates the wheat from the chaff. While some people are still laughing about the last point, enjoying another just around the. It is: Attention and the laughter.

Tobias man always tries to pass himself. His mind games and flashes of smashes it at the audience, either via the microphone, Guitar or piano. He tries to find answers to questions, burn him at the very soul of: Mental illnesses are real illnesses, or perhaps just a little subtle form of evolution? The Bundestag is just a huge group therapy with little chance of success? Hamsters and squirrels endanger the existence of mankind? Thanks to the church and there is not only the dimensions “true” and “untrue” but also “Catholic”? Male(n) So lets re-open no wishes.

Receives praise for his stage performances from all sides of the man from Mainz. The Süddeutsche Zeitung called him about a “one of the freshest, entertaining and talented newcomers to the scene”. Elsewhere he is called “Comedic one-man power plant” praised and after assessments of the Westfälische Nachrichten, he is the “brilliant personification of rock-hard critic of society, Avenger of politics and brilliant comedian”. In addition to the praise of the press and its performance is rewarded but also quite festive. For example, the German Cabaret Award, them Hamburger Comedy Cup suppose them Prix Pantheon.

Place: Münchner Lach- and Shooting Society

Thursday 01.09.2011, 20:00 Clock, Friday 02.09.2011, 20:00 Clock and Saturday 03.09.2011, 20:00 Clock

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