as well as 2014 as well as?

as well as as well as kommt Wiesnstimmung auf, hier macht es richtig Spaß bei schönem Wetter in den Fahrgeschäften die milde Luft zu genießen oder durch die bunten Gassen zu bummeln. Nicht nur auf der Theresienwiese wird Volksfest geboten, auch die Maidult, die Ende April beginnt, lockt viele Besucher in den Münchner Osten. Read the rest of this entry »

Körperwelten ist eine gewaltige Ausstellung – sie reist quer durch die Welt mit einer ganz besonderen Absicht: Der Mensch soll sich und seinen Körper besser kennenlernen. Es ist wahrscheinlich nichts für jeden von uns – viele ekeln sich auch davor, zu entdecken, was sich unter der menschlichen Haut alles verbirgt. Die Ausstellung “Körperwelten” hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, uns unseren eigenen Körper näher zu bringen. Read the rest of this entry »

as well as, die München so besonders machen!

The Frühlingsfest auf der Theresienwiese ist die kleine Schwester der Wiesn, muss sich aber überhaupt nicht hinter dem riesigen Münchner Highlight verstecken. Read the rest of this entry »

Welche Top Events erwarten uns in München im Jahr 2014? Na klar, die altbewährten Klassiker werfen ihre Schatten voraus und man freut sich jedes Jahr wieder aufs Neue darauf. Doch was gibt es dieses Jahr sonst noch so, auf das wir hinfiebern können?
Die Highlights des Jahres 2014 in Kurzfassung! Read the rest of this entry »

The night of the environment in Munich offers a unique opportunity, To gain insight into many different places. The zoo opens its doors exclusively for night tours, the Munich underground can be visited, yes even shows a crematorium, The procedure is as there.

Not only exciting, there will be, also many informative guided tours and lectures are offered. Show the BMW plants, as sustainably produced and utilized, many posts about solar technology point the way to a better and greener future. The best thing about the whole thing: Many of the events are offered free of charge, a few require registration or require a small fee.
Certainly a very interesting thing, is taken as particularly, find that both adults and children a wide range of events. We provide our favorites before: Read the rest of this entry »

Summer is coming – and before the Oktoberfest is well known, yet another great spectacle Munich. The Great Summer Wood opened on 26. Its doors in June. In winter, the focus of the Great Wood is on vaudeville and theater acts, in summer it can really rip internationally known artists.
This year celebrates the Great Wood, moreover, its 25-year anniversary. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Olympic mountain in a colorful installation with memories is of 25 Years Tollwood transformed, which changes every day. Light, Sound and moving images create an unforgettable impression.

Almost a month to the Olympic Park music at its best, Crafts and great delicacies are presented. Especially the famous Great Wood is natural for his involvement in the societal and ecological area in the. So every year there are discussions on environmental protection. Read the rest of this entry »

City Foundation Festival Munich, 15 and 16.6.2013
Munich 855 Years old! For this auspicious occasion, the city of course it can not take, host a big party for all residents. On 15. and 16. June, there's some on the Marienplatz, with music, Dance, Ideas and many stalls around Munich Munich are all cordially invited, celebrate the milestone birthday.

The Marienplatz in Munich will be hub, starting from there find the events in the surrounding streets and squares instead. The big stage, to that of 10-23 Clock program is made, mainly offers musical highlights. For every taste should be something. So it goes too cozy and relaxing with trip hop, with big bands and orchestras can be properly mitgeswingt, also in Bavaria beloved folk music is particularly on Sunday does not fall short. Here both traditional ways to play, the modern version of “VolXmusik” shows, that this kind of music is not of yesterday.
We Also of course there are folk dance performances. Read the rest of this entry »

Actually Munich has everything, so what you want from a city – greenery in the city, closeness to nature, the mountains…but a beautiful beach, as found for example in Hamburg or Berlin, One looks a little longer.
The better, that there is a beach culture Munich! Hier finden Sand Zealot everyone, what they want, directly on the Isar with musical framework program – perfect, at times really unbend in summer. And anyone who thinks it long enough, can even hear the sound of the sea… Read the rest of this entry »

The flea market season in Munich actually never heard of, throughout the year there are opportunities for bargain hunters and antique lovers to make good business.
But when it finally is again beautiful morning and the sun is in the sky from early, then browse only really makes outdoor fun. In addition to the large flea market on the Theresienwiese, takes place in the context of the Spring Festival, There are of course several other ways, to buy and sell and to make lots of fun.

One of these is the flea market experience in Riem. He is one of the largest flea markets in Germany, in Bavaria, he can call himself rightly largest open space in the flea market across the state. Read the rest of this entry »

In early May we go again - the Blade Night starts, a highlight for all in-line skating enthusiasts in and around Munich.
Depending on the route every Monday major streets of Munich extra for skaters car free. With good road surfaces so you can make free turn his rounds. In large entourage with music makes the whole course even more fun. For the route security and entertainment Guards Guards and the skaters to ensure.

Line East runs through the eastern part of Munich, on past animal park and along the Isar back. The route west touches the Botanical Garden and the Nymphenburg Palace. Schwabing is explored through the northern route. For families there are in the family blade round a nice short tour of the slaughterhouse district.

Start of the event is always around 19:00, the meeting point is at the Theresienhohe. There is a varied program with lots of extras, Food and beverages for the skaters instead.
From 21:00 then starts the general skating round. Of each route there is a short and long version, every skater can decide on your condition and lust, how he would like to drive.
In bad weather, the Night Blade is unfortunately not held, there is always the latest information on the website of the Munich Blade Night.

The launched by the American television network X Games are regarded as one of the event highlights in the field of extreme sports. Here are the sizes measure areas Motocross, Skateboard BMX und. For them, there is something, such as the Olympic Games for "normal people". Since 1995 there is already the X Games, this year it will be held for the first time in Munich.
The Olympic Park is of course the appropriate place for such a spectacle and because the competitions are held there as well. This occurs athletes against athletes, it is not about a battle of nation against nation.
In addition to the sports of course, other aspects should not be neglected and there is a varied program of music by-, Show and other events. Here also the Bavarian culture of the host city is not too short.

From Thursday, the 27.6. to Sunday 30.6. it's so hot here in the Olympic Park - Tickets for all events can be found at the usual outlets.

After a snowy winter and a very rainy spring, now we of course hope all Munich on more sunny days. And what better, to enjoy the sun on the traditional spring festival at the Theresienwiese?

The “small variant” the Oktoberfest enjoys unalloyed popularity and attracts every year thousands of people from around Munich to downtown. Large as well as small find the ideal pastime for day.

Performances begin on 19. April um 14:30 with a colorful program of festivities, followed by a procession. In the words “Ozapft is'”, can then also each drink a delicious spring beer, at the same time take the rides on their operation. Read the rest of this entry »

We have already reported on the popular BMW Welt Jazz Award. In the competition for the coveted award were 6 Artists by the motto “Leading Drums” against each other. The motto, every year different, should this year especially the often overlooked art of playing drums to be lifted to the fore.

The finalists have now been chosen. On 20. April um 19 Clock, the determined by the jury to compete in a class concert, and inspire audiences. It will be a battle of the United States against Europe. Das New Yorker “Arie Hoenig” Quartet to compete against Samuel Rohrer – Daniel Erdmann w / Frank Möbius & Vincent Courtois, from Germany, France and Switzerland are. Read the rest of this entry »

The Circus Krone performs in Munich. World famous and popular he is from 1 March, the third part of the winter program before. The motto “Krone is'” forebodes, that it will pass this time pretty Bavarian. Read the rest of this entry »

The BMW Welt Jazz Award goes to the next round!

An 6 Sundays will be held preliminary, a jury then determines from 2 Bands, the most in the finals 20.4.2013 against each other to participate in the competition for the coveted award.
This year is the motto “Leading Drums”, all participating bands have is a excellent drummer, of the titles gives the right drive. Read the rest of this entry »

Here we go again – The Munich Crime Festival “Criminal”, incidentally, the largest Crime Festival mentioned in Germany and one of the largest international standards, starts on 9. March.

To 10 anniversary of the iconic events are expecting guests from around the world, many well-known mystery authors have the honor of presenting their works in readings and other exciting events. Read the rest of this entry »

The variety theater shows are unique. Here unite music, Body Art and most recently, to a fantastic light show, be addressed in all senses of the audience.

At the world premiere of this fabulous show unite known and award-winning artists display their different art forms together into a great variety performance. Jenny Garcia's two-time German champion in rhythmic gymnastics and it's a breathtaking singing – in vaudeville, she presents songs from their debut album “Lifebathing” not quite normal on stage, but the free-hanging air ring. She works with Santé Fortunato, a hula hoop artist. Ernest Palchyow has been one of the best of his profession – the acrobatics, also known as handstand acrobatics. The artists of the younger group “Crazy Flight juniors” acrobatics show in its finest form, Tom Noddy shows his bubble art, that this is just a fun pastime for children not.

For Lachmuskel activity provides Mr. Riesling, of all forms of acrobatics seems to dominate, and with his talent should komädiantischen everyone laugh.

The show runs in Munich until 6. January 2013. Prices and information are available on


The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling, the fantastic story about the boy Mowgli, who grows up in the jungle, was filmed and widely implemented acting. Most well known is probably the most successful adaptation of Disney.
At Christmas time, the German Theatre and the State Theatre will present the Gärtnerplatz together a wonderful implementation of the story as a musical for the whole family. Read the rest of this entry »

“Is blood really thicker than water?”

This is the central question of the Dine & Crime-production “Deadly Family Ties” Werner R. Gawlik.

A colorful combination of a calculating woman entrepreneur and millionaire heiress and her husband, do a poor man in midlife crisis, a crazy arms dealers and finally to easily nymphomaniac Korsin bring the audience in the evening going.
Coincidentally meet on a normal evening, two people in a bar and notice, that they were both betrayed by their spouses. The two spouses, however, are not at all unknown to and flirt while unmoved in a tapas bar not far away.
During the evening will Secrets Revealed, Also, the dealer and the Corsican nymphomaniac get her performance. The motley combination of seemingly random people together geratenen entangled more and more in their own mystery and intrigue – a murder seems inevitable. Then the big surprise…

The concept has proven to be the murder mystery dinner. An exclusive multi-course meal served along with a tricky murder case? It sounds, in fact, after a great evening of entertainment. The company Dine & Crime has written the thriller fun at the top of the flag and provides over Germany in an entertaining murder mystery dinner.

Viewers will naturally demand throughout the piece and must properly mitraten. An entertaining great fun, not only for amateur sleuths.

Events in December:
3.12. in Aumeister, 8.12. in Leiberheim, 12.12. in the Kugler Alm, 17.12. in Aumeister, 27.12. in the Kugler Alm, I 19:30


It's that time again: Die Night of the Proms kommt nach München!
This time, of course with a lot of superstars, who will perform together with a symphony of their greatest hits.

Read the rest of this entry »

March 2025
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